Some Moments of International Mother Tongue Day-2009( Certains moments de la Journée internationale de la langue maternelle-2009)

Flag seller near Central Shahid Minar( Drapeau du vendeur à proximité de Central Shahid Minar)

New genearation has a keen interest on the history of Language Movement 1952( nouveau genearation a un vif intérêt sur l'histoire de la langue Mouvement 1952)

A lady viewing a photo in a exhibition in Bat tola near arts building,D.U(Une dame l'affichage d'une photo dans une exposition de près de Bat tola arts bâtiment, D.U)

A young flag seller selling flags and bands in front of Sharwardi park,Dhaka(Un jeune vendeur de vente drapeau drapeaux et bandes en face de Sharwardi parc, Dhaka)

A young boy named Rubab viewing a photography of Language movement(Un jeune garçon nommé Rubab l'affichage d'une photographie de la langue de circulation)

A couple in a photo gallery of Language Movement 1952( Un couple dans une galerie de photos de la langue Mouvement 1952)

Painting Alpona(art) on face of young boy(Peinture Alpona (art) sur le visage de jeune garçon)

Howai Mithai maker making mithai in a fair in Sharwardi park(Howai Mithai fabricant de mithai dans un parc juste à Sharwardi)

A stunt man performing a acrobat in a over crowed place( A l'exécution d'un cascadeur acrobat dans un endroit bondé de plus)

Alpona on the road

Writing on a wall

An artist painting on the front wall of central shahid minar(Un artiste de peinture sur la façade du centre de séminaire shahid)

Language Movement Photography Gallery at Bat tola,D.U( Langue mouvement Galerie de Photographie à Bat tola, D.U)

Painting Alpona on face-some students earn some pocket money doing it( Peinture sur le visage-Alpona certains étudiants de gagner de l'argent de poche, il fait)

Famous Singer Babu(Ami banglar gan gai...)

Poet Nirmolandu Goon in a photography exhibition

Performing the acrobatic game in a local park

21st February 1952: Historic Rally of the students of Dhaka University at Amtola just before Section 144 was violated.
Source: Prof. Rafiqul Islam.

Alpona on the road

Writing on a wall

An artist painting on the front wall of central shahid minar(Un artiste de peinture sur la façade du centre de séminaire shahid)

Language Movement Photography Gallery at Bat tola,D.U( Langue mouvement Galerie de Photographie à Bat tola, D.U)

Painting Alpona on face-some students earn some pocket money doing it( Peinture sur le visage-Alpona certains étudiants de gagner de l'argent de poche, il fait)

Famous Singer Babu(Ami banglar gan gai...)

Poet Nirmolandu Goon in a photography exhibition

Performing the acrobatic game in a local park

Note:The above photographs were taken on 20th february and 21st february 09.The photographs reflects my deepest respect and feelings.The equipments were Nikon F-80 and Fuji 100 ASA film.No flash used.
History of Bangla Language Movement 1952
The Bengali Language Movement, also known as the Language Movement (Bengali: ভাষা আন্দোলন; Bhasha Andolon), was a political effort in Bangladesh (then known as East Pakistan), advocating the recognition of the Bengali language as an official language of Pakistan. Such recognition would allow Bengali to be taught in schools and used in government affairs.

A big funeral rally on 22.02.1952 after funeral prayers. The police force let loose by government also fired upon this mourning procession.Source:Source: Prof. Rafiqul Islam
When the state of Pakistan was formed in 1947, its two regions, East Pakistan (also called East Bengal) and West Pakistan, were split along cultural, geographical, and linguistic lines. In 1948, the Government of Pakistan ordained Urdu as the sole national language, sparking extensive protests among the Bengali-speaking majority of East Pakistan. Facing rising sectarian tensions and mass discontent with the new law, the government outlawed public meetings and rallies. The students of the University of Dhaka and other political activists defied the law and organised a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when police killed student demonstrators on that day. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest led by the Awami Muslim League, later renamed the Awami League. After years of conflict, the central government relented and granted official status to the Bengali language in 1956. In 2000, UNESCO declared 21 February International Mother Language Day for the whole world to celebrate[1], in tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world...source wikipedia

History of Bangla Language Movement 1952
The Bengali Language Movement, also known as the Language Movement (Bengali: ভাষা আন্দোলন; Bhasha Andolon), was a political effort in Bangladesh (then known as East Pakistan), advocating the recognition of the Bengali language as an official language of Pakistan. Such recognition would allow Bengali to be taught in schools and used in government affairs.

A big funeral rally on 22.02.1952 after funeral prayers. The police force let loose by government also fired upon this mourning procession.Source:Source: Prof. Rafiqul Islam
When the state of Pakistan was formed in 1947, its two regions, East Pakistan (also called East Bengal) and West Pakistan, were split along cultural, geographical, and linguistic lines. In 1948, the Government of Pakistan ordained Urdu as the sole national language, sparking extensive protests among the Bengali-speaking majority of East Pakistan. Facing rising sectarian tensions and mass discontent with the new law, the government outlawed public meetings and rallies. The students of the University of Dhaka and other political activists defied the law and organised a protest on 21 February 1952. The movement reached its climax when police killed student demonstrators on that day. The deaths provoked widespread civil unrest led by the Awami Muslim League, later renamed the Awami League. After years of conflict, the central government relented and granted official status to the Bengali language in 1956. In 2000, UNESCO declared 21 February International Mother Language Day for the whole world to celebrate[1], in tribute to the Language Movement and the ethno-linguistic rights of people around the world...source wikipedia

21st February 1952: Historic Rally of the students of Dhaka University at Amtola just before Section 144 was violated.Source: Prof. Rafiqul Islam.

21st February 1952: Historic Rally of the students of Dhaka University at Amtola just before Section 144 was violated.
Source: Prof. Rafiqul Islam.